Thursday, October 2, 2008

What We've Been Doing

I didn't think there was anything to write about until I uploaded some pictures from this last week. Maybe life's not as boring as I thought. Afterall,
Dallin made this:

Need a hint? It's a puzzle. On Monday he scribbled a picture and cut it into pieces and stored his surprise in a cereal box until Family Home Evening. It pretty much took the whole family the whole evening to put that thing together. Maybe that's why we took pictures, not just because we were proud of Dallin, but we were also proud of ourselves for finally completing it. And no I don't wear that sticker all the time, we'd just gotten back from passing out brochures at a Constitution Week event. Have you done anything to support marriage lately?

We hosted Joy School. I suppose I never posted about what we decided for Dallin's preschool. Well, we decided not to do preschool but then we ended up grouping up with a few other moms to rotate doing Joy School. I really love the program because it's based on the idea that children don't necessarily need to "get ahead" in academics in the preschool years--instead we spend our time in joy school teaching values: social skills, discipline, making goals, respecting our bodies, etc. Love, love, love it. Here they are "painting" with pudding--we were using our five senses....especially taste.

We went to the zoo.
Three little boys and two sisters--one of them pregnant (that would be Bethany)--braved the crowds at the zoo. We had a great time. I think the boys enjoyed it too.

Overall, a successful week. Mark might call any week successful if it includes a Sunday nap on the couch. Precious.

Oh, could you do me a favor and not tell Mark that I posted a picture of him with his stuffed duck Snuggles? Thanks.


The Allen's said...

I am telling him. HAHAHA. that is funny. someday i want to be like you marily. Miss seeing you in the ward. love you.

Sarah S. Foote said...

Your family is SO CUTE!!! I'm so glad that I found your blog. It's great to catch-up with you guys. Feel free to check-out ours.