Sunday, November 2, 2008

How I Intend To Vote: Federal Offices

John McCain.
He's pro-life, supports marriage, understands foreign affairs, knows defense, and before the recent Wall Street bailout, usually promoted good economic policies. He understands that in our current economic situation higher taxes could very possibly bring on an economic depression. And none of his close friends are terrorists or anti-American racists.

U.S. Representative in Congress
District 5
David Schweikert.
Now is the time where we need representatives who understand the importance of lower taxes, limited government, Social Security reform, free market economics, and are pro-life and pro-family. Put that all together and you get David Schweikert.

And Mitchell, enough of the nonsense already. We know there's a problem when your TV ads try to portray you as more conservative than your Republican opponent. He wants higher taxes and you don't? Right...

Notice that during elections liberal Democrats often try to portray themselves as moderates or even conservatives (Harry Mitchell), but I've yet to see a conservative Republican try to portray himself as a liberal to get elected.

U.S. Representative in Congress
District 6
Jeff Flake.

Yes, he needs to be set straight on the importance of defending marriage and keeping homosexual radicals from disrupting business and our schools. Still, he is a proponent of free market and limited government.

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