Sunday, November 2, 2008

How I Intend To Vote: Maricopa County

Political party affiliations are really useful in local elections. When it comes to voting for President of the US we know everything about how they voted, their cholesterol levels, and their favorite types of pizza. But what about county treasurer candidates? The information is limited, but knowing their party affiliation tells me a good deal about their basic political philosophies and ideas of good government. Expect me to be voting for Republicans.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
Don Stapley.
See intro paragraph for explanation.

County Assessor
Keith Russell.
See intro paragraph. And he actually has training and experience in property appraisal experience. Here's an endorsement from someone who knows him. It also doesn't hurt that Russell has also contributed to the Yes on 102 campaign.

County Attorney
Andrew Thomas.
Thomas has been firm in not letting crooks get away on easy plea bargains. My understating is that if they don't plead guilty to the highest offense then the case goes to court where they prosecute all the charges. Thomas has been criticized for his enforcement of immigration laws. Considering where these criticisms come from, that really means that Thomas is doing his job.

Besides, Tim Nelson used to work for Napolitano and has represented the ACLU in his legal career. I don't have anything against defense attorneys. They provide a critical service, but the last thing any of us need is a defense attorney like Nelson in charge of prosecuting crime.

County Recorder
Helen Purcell.
See intro paragraph for explanation.

County School Superintendent
Don Covey.
Again, see intro paragraph for explanation.

County Treasurer
Charles Hoskins.
You get it by now.

Joe Arpaio.
I think there are some good arguments that could be made for Dan Saban. From what I understand he's had a good career as a law enforcement professional and is a decent guy. But let me tell what I like about Arpaio:
  • He makes jail no fun--he's said repeatedly that he likes to hear the inmates complain.
  • Pink underwear.
  • Unlike Congress, he is actually doing something to stop illegal immigration.
  • He has innovative ways cuts costs--tent city, bologna lunches, etc.
  • His ALPHA program is helps inmates overcome substance abuse issues. Inmates who complete the classes and graduate have a very low recidivism rate meaning they rarely come back to jail for breaking the law again.
  • Liberals hate him (which usually means he's doing something right).


Mom's da Bomb! said...

I agree with you about Arpaio. He is the first very visible law enforcement person who is actually doing what he thinks is best to accomplish the job, no matter what anyone else thinks or says. I always prefer someone in office who shows what he believes in. Too many are so busy trying to be "PC" that nobody can tell WHAT they believe. (and yes, you are totally cool enough to use texting abbreviations)

One more note: Keith Russell is our cousin. His dad is my mom's cousin, and his mom is my dad's cousin. His commitment to the gospel was evidenced when he left to go on his mission, even though he was training for the 1968 Olympics in diving, and would return only about a year before the trials. He went on his mission anyway. And, he qualified for and made the US Olympic Diving Team, when he returned. He is a totally worthy candidate for anything he attempts.

simplyshye said...

I love you guys !! You are so funny -- specially bout the comment with Sheriff ;-)
-- shye