Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thankful Day Five: Laughter

There is laughter all around when there's love at home.

Little people make life so darn entertaining, don't they? Here's the latest funniness....

My friend Hannah watched the boys the other night. Her son Ashley and Dallin were playing in the bedroom and Dallin came out of the room to tell Hannah:

"There is something scary happening in there.

Ashley is changing into his pajamas!"

Bedtime, you see, is kind of a scary thing when you're four-years-old.


Our Paper Plates said...

Laughter is an awesome thing to be thankful for. I love laughing with the people I love. I believe thats what heaven will be like!

Tanya Leigh said...

lol :) Dallin is great. Shyre would be in accord with him on his PJ fear. That's usually when she runs! :)