Monday, November 3, 2008

Vacation Day

Some people take time off work to go to the beach or the golf range. Today Mark took a day off to volunteer for the Marriage Amendment. Yeah, we're nerdy like that. Thanks to Carolyn for watching our guys--she's been swapping babysitting with me so we could each fight the good fight. At the phone banks this morning we just happened to meet up with some good friends. It made it so much more fun to have friends there. And these are stalwart women: Hannah toted her 2-month-old baby and Bekah brought along her 5 or 6-month-old fetus (neither baby is pictured below).


While we were at the phone bank the campaign spokesperson Michelle Baer asked Mark and I if we'd accompany her to KFYI's "smackdown" for her interview with JD Hayworth. She told us to be prepared to speak on the radio, but to our luck that didn't happen. We just waved our signs and smiled happy smiles. Thanks to Hannah and her husband who watched our children so we could go. Sorry boys--tomorrow you will have your parents back. We are doing this for you!


Kathryn said...

Did you know Michele Baer is in our ward? I told you we have a good ward. Good work Marily. I am proud to be your friend.

Mark said...

Marily, maybe you didn't get on the radio or TV. You still looked hot!

Mom's da Bomb! said...

Yay for Marriage! And Yay for getting to have you be part of my family! Good Job! You are a prime example of what Marriage should be. Congrats to Dallin & Adam for having such great parents! And thank them for sharing you.