Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thankful Day Four: The Obvious

I tried to think of something else today but I can't help it. I am thankful for the opportunity to voice my opinion and vote. And it only took me three trips to the polling place this morning to do it.

I thought I was so intelligent. I ordered an early ballot with the thought that I would save it until election day, prancing smartly past the long lines to cast my early vote in front of the jealous on-lookers.

The first time I pulled into the parking lot and realized I'd accidentally brought my sample ballot and not my early ballot. Went home. The second time I got into the polling place and was informed that "Dear, you need to have your early ballot in the envelope with your signature on the front." Ooops. And my envelope was at home. I'm not too big on reading details. Went home. The third time I finally got it turned in. After all that work I made the overly-sarcastic man with the stickers give me an "I Voted Today" sticker because for some reason I wasn't satisfied with the "I Voted Early" one that was mailed to me.

The couple outside with Yes on 102 signs must have wondered about me....


Mark said...

Vote early, vote often!

Tanya Leigh said...

lol! Yeah, they thought for sure you were working for ACORN! ;) I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes a few times to get something right :)